Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cost of Bottled Water vs. Tap Water

Your recommended daily dose of water is 8, 8 oz servings of tap water every day. If you were to only drink bottled water for a year this calculates to $1,500. If you were to drink just tap water it would only cost you a mere $0.50. Bottled water is the biggest marketing joke since packaged salad. Everyday 60 million used bottles of water are tossed into the landfill.

If your concern is safety you may be surprised to hear that tap water is tested daily by the FDA. Bottled water is tested weekly. "Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, water suppliers are required to provide an annual report on the quality of your local water and to test tap water daily." (

Even though I saved money by buying bottled water in bulk at Costco. I stopped buying it because I realized how fast I was going through the giant box and how wasteful it really was. Since then I bought a large plastic water container that I fill up and keep in the refrigerator. Water taste cool, clean, and refreshing. My garbage isn't overflowing all the time and I just saved myself $1,500 a year!

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