Tuesday, May 06, 2008

My Review of The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss

The 4-hour Work Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

I just began reading a book that I got on my birthday titled, ‘The 4-Hour Work Week Escape 9-5, Live anywhere, and Join the New Rich’ by Timothy Ferriss.

I’ve only delved into the first 30 pages, but some exceptional words of wisdom spouted by the author Timothy Ferriss hit me. Mr. Ferris says, “If you can free your time and location, your money is automatically worth 3-10 as much.” This fits perfectly for the affiliate marketing lifestyle. Your time is free because you can work as much or as little as you want, even making money while you sleep. Additionally affiliate marketers location is free because you can do affiliate marketing anywhere in the world with a broadband connection.

Going into this quote further Timothy Ferriss explains, “Being financially rich and having the ability to live like a millionaire and fundamentally two different things.” I totally agree with this statement because if you make $100,000 a year, but only have 2 weeks of vacation or less what’s the point of making all that money in the first place? Now say you make $60,000 a year as a Blogger, but only work 2 hours a day and can take vacations whenever they want. Who would you rather be? Conventional wisdom would say the wealthy man making $100,000 a year, but I’d take the Blogger making $60,000 any day. Wouldn’t you rather be Blogging on a tropical island in the pacific than stuck in an office stressed out beyond belief? It’s about quality of life rather than money in the bank.

“Money is multiplied in practical value depending on the number of W’s you control in your life: what you do, when you do it, where you do it, and whom you do it with.” The author calls this the freedom multiplier. Using the freedom multiplier the author argues “the 80 hour per week investment banker is less powerful than the person working ¼ the hours for $40,000.” He looks at the “lifestyle output of the money.”

I like this book so far because it’s counterintuitive. It’s a new perspective on something, especially since the invention of the Internet and the flattening world, is now possible to achieve. Because of the Internet one can be free from time and space and achieve a billionaire’s lifestyle at only a fraction of the income.

I’ll keep you posted on any new revelations I learn from the 4 Hour Work Week!

The 4-hour Work Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

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